For some widows, starting a new relationship after loss means diving into a whole new world of online dating. The abbreviations can be daunting. Here's a list of some common ones. For a deeper dive into dating abbreviations, go to Cyber Definitions or Dating Sites Reviews. 1-2-1 one to one 4YEO for your eyes only AF as fuck B bisexual BAE before anything else BBW big beautiful woman BDSM bondage, domination, sadism and masochism BF boyfriend BI bisexual BM&Y between me and you BRB be right back BRT be right there BTW by the way C Christian CNM consensual non-monogamy D divorced D&D drug and disease DDF drug- and disease-free DTE down to earth DTF down to fuck DTR define the relationship ENM ethical non-monogamy F female F2F face to face FBO Facebook official (relationship status) FML fuck my life FOMO fear of missing out FtM female to male transgender FTTB for the time being FWB friends with benefits FYI for your information G gay GF girlfriend GSOH good sense of humour HAK hugs and kisses HNG horny net geek HWP height weight proportionate IDK I don't know IDKY I don't know you IR interracial IRL in real life ISO in search of J Jewish JFYI just for your information KFY kiss for you L lesbian LD light drinker LDR long distance relationship LGBTQ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer LMIRL let’s meet in real life LMIRL let's meet in real life LS light smoker LTR long-term relationship M Male/married MBA married but available MM marriage-minded MOTOS member of the opposite sex MOTSS member of the same sex MSM man seeking man MSW man seeking woman MtF male to female transgender NS non-smoker NSA no strings attached NSA no strings attached PDA public display of affection Q queer or cool SC Snapchat SCNR sorry could not resist SD social drinker SFLR sorry for the late reply SO significant other SOH sense of humour STR straight T transgender TLC tender loving care VBD very bad date VGSOH very good sense of humour WAA will answer all WLTM would like to meet WSM woman seeking man WSOH wicked or weird sense of humour WSW woman seeking woman WYCM will you call me WYD what are you doing? WYWH wish you were here YODO you only dump once
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AuthorI was widowed at 50 when Tim, who I expected would be my happy-ever-after following a marriage break-up, died suddenly from heart failure linked to his type 2 diabetes. Though we'd known each other since our early 20s, we'd been married less than ten years. Archives
October 2024