There are things best never said to a widow…
Worried you'll say the wrong thing? Read this awesome piece called How not to say the wrong thing.
19/10/2021 07:50:50
As a widow of 3.5 years, couldn’t agree more with all the above. Particularly the I know how you feel, my mum, dad, cat died. So not the same. Thanks for starting a blog, I wish I had, I wrote a diary, like a letter to husband instead which did help me. Anyway, onward and upward fellow merry Widow. Xx
Rosalie Johnson
20/12/2023 05:58:03
Hello, firstly you never get over the death of a spouse or child you just learn how to live with it.
19/2/2024 12:23:04
Thanks for this article. My question: what do I say to a family member who is now a widow? This is a very recent loss.
19/2/2024 13:12:23
You tell them how much you care. You tell them that losing someone sucks. You tell them that you will be there for them. You listen. You talk about the person that they have lost, and you keep doing this for the next days, weeks, months, years.
19/2/2024 15:41:36
It may sound strange, but I found it comforting when people told me they didn’t know what to say. I really appreciate their honesty.
1/5/2024 23:01:30
Above all, don't you dare tell them ANYTHING you do not TOTALLY intend to do or that you FULLY mean. Like " I care about you." " Your friendship is important me", "Don't ever pay anyone to do something I can do", "If you need anything, call me" , "I'm here for you. " Because if you do you can drive some widows to despair worse than their grief and even possible thoughts of suicide. I KNOW, because it has happened to me. And believe me, you can take this to the bank: You will be considered a traitor and a coward, and you will never be trusted again!! This is serious business. These women are smart, capable woman with raw emotions. They don't need or want pity, but they desperately need genuine respect and support. So, be sure you know what you are doing, or just keep your mouth shut!
26/11/2024 16:57:22
I have to say yes it's better when they say I have no words and just hug. To me it's their grief too and they understand what we meant to each other.
19/10/2021 19:38:57
So accurate. If anyone tells me, now I'm a few years into widowhood and more robust about it, how lucky I am they are given short shrift and told a few truths.
26/10/2022 00:50:42
Also: "You must feel relief." Someone actually said this to me after my husband's memorial service a few weeks after he had died. He had a debilitating condition that had persisted several months, but I certainly didn't feel relief he had died, I just missed him and felt sad. I realized the speaker must have very little empathy at all, she was just playing a part.
8/3/2024 04:22:48
I’m very good friend said that to me. I was quite taking it back, very surprised she would say something like that. Yes, my husband had been ill for a while. Yes, it was difficult for me. I would rather have him here and have that difficulty than not have him here at all.
Barbara Rhodes
19/4/2024 11:23:19
My husband had been a 'creaking gate' for many years, and had suffered many illnesses that he was not expected to survive, but he did. In the end, he succumbed to terminal cancer and my initial reaction was overwhelming relief that he was no longer suffering. But also unfathomable sadness that he was gone.
8/7/2024 12:48:11
A very dear friend said this to me. I know it wasn’t said without empathy, however, I was very surprised that it was said at all. I actually couldn’t believe it. I would welcome the stress that his condition brought us to have him back by my side.
8/4/2023 11:23:07
I. Completely agree .. I'm sick and tired of my friends .. especially one in particular .. always saying what her and her husband are doing bla blah blah ... Oh you poor thing .. let me know if you need Anything .?? Oh please .. sickening
Linda Smith
21/11/2023 21:22:06
I so agree with all the comments on here, people do say the most bizarre things when your husband ( or wife) dies- my sister asked, on the day of my husband’s funeral, if I would be moving now! And my next door neighbour, 6 weeks after his death, asked if I was ‘over it yet’- it is now 13 years since he died, very suddenly, You don’t ‘get over it’, you just get used to it, and I miss him every day.Certain people have told me I’m ‘doing well’- no, I am doing what I have to do to keep going. As for what I call smug couples banging on about their wonderful holidays…..
21/2/2024 21:43:10
My Husband drowned whilst ok holiday in a foreign country with me in October 23. Whilst I was still in there waiting to bring his body home his best friends wife was posting pictures on face book of her and her husband setting off and enjoying their holiday. I didn’t begrudge them the holiday but did she really have to post daily photos when she knew I would see them. Some people have no consideration of other people’s feelings.
S. Wilder
9/5/2024 19:51:34
I SO agree with these statements. My wife died suddenly, in our home August last year. Totally unexpected, I was totally shocked and traumatized, and still am although to a slightly lesser degree. What I agree along with others that have commented, are the older couples, married 40-50 yrs going on about the things they can go and see and do. I would give up EVERYTHING that my wife and I were able to acquire after I retired from the military and go back to to our humble beginnings.... piece of cars, debts, living on a budget...... and have her......all this stuff, upgrades to the house, better vehicles means NOTHING without her along with those things. It's like Job in the long as his "friends" sat there silent with him and said nothing, he was ok. It wasn't until they opened their mouths about what they thought brought on his calamities, that he concluded - "I have heard many such things: miserable comforters are ye all." Job 16:2
Amber menefee
20/12/2024 23:44:25
I'm right there with you on the happy holidays crap. My husband and my MO both died in December of 2008 , I'm so not over it and I've hated Xmas ever since.. bahumbug !!!
Amber menefe
20/12/2024 23:40:30
My dogs are my life now . I miss my husband so much, and my mother too. They both passed the same week. It's been 15 years since they passed and I miss them both everyday. I've never had anyone reach out to me to see if I am OK and I'm just alone in life . Does anyone know of any good ways to meet new friends that know what I'm going through. I live in kansas city Missouri. I hate spending every holiday alone.
28/6/2023 13:38:21
Its the nightmares now, 3 months have passed and I don't know where they have gone or where I have been in them....facing homelessness, genuinely no family, no friends (he was all of that and more to me), quiet private peaceful the nightmares I have, Oh God the nightmares...or as bad...waking up and for a split second thinking he is still alive.....
19/11/2023 22:12:47
Hey. My husband died too under suspicious circumstances and I have nightmares too. Sometimes I still go to grab my phone when I’m getting food to see if he wants something. 😔
25/11/2023 19:00:33
I can very much so relate. My husband had been deceased for a month by this time. When I return to work, I remember walking toward the restroom and doubling back to my desk to get my phone. It was my lunch hour and he would always call. In a split second I realized thats a call I'll have to put in a memory. As far as people's foolish comments or conversations. I learned that people tend to say silly things because their uncomfortable with what your experiencing and they truly don't know what to say. but feel the need to say something. Forgive people before they speak and grant them Grace. Continue keeping The Father close and buried in your heart for he knows our needs and pain and knows just how to address them.
10/4/2024 01:53:36
You just described me , I'm so sorry you are going thru this alone , as I am too 😞
21/7/2023 10:56:50
The worst is people asking for death details! iIt is no one’s business.And do not ever ask if you have a new man in your life
21/7/2023 11:15:22
I agree with you Sandra...I am literally disgusted by some of the things people now I have my answers dependiing on the frame of mind I am in....thoughtless statement - " sure you are still young ( as in you'll find another man) Reply: 1. Oh I am so sorry, It must be horrible to never have experienced genuine love that just kept getting better and growing...Reply 2. My husbands body is dead. I am still in love with him and expect to be for as long as I live Reply 3. what a disgusting horrible thoughtless thing to say.... Shame on you, now F*** off Reply 4. I knew him for half my life, he was friend then after years became my best friend, then my love and husband for 14 years so get back to me when you have had that kind of relationship and they have died and you are yearning for your true love...untill then you know nothing.
27/7/2023 12:44:37
I guess I'm the only widower here.
31/7/2023 08:50:52
Hi Cris, there is a website called and there are men aswell as women on it from all over reaching out....just having a response can help you feel not so lost..then again every day is different isn't husband died 4 months ago and I just am scraping through...I don't know how to keep going but these sites offer some sort of support....I am so VERY sorry about your wife and nephew and aunt and have you kept going.....
5/12/2023 04:08:59
Hi Chris. What a nightmare if it’s okay I will be keep everyone in prayer. I too lost several relatives in a very short time span. 8 to be exact my children lost all their great grandparents, two uncles, and lastly the biggest life changing impact my husband. This is has been a very painful journey and yes people
6/12/2023 17:02:55
You're not the only widower here. My fiance was killed in a car crash 3 weeks ago today on her way to work and it has been the biggest nightmare I could possibly imagine. 3 weeks ago this was unimaginable, we'd talk about death and what we'd do and so on but it was always let's change the subject.
Linda Smith
6/12/2023 17:29:56
Hi Matt,
7/7/2024 15:30:43
No sir,, I'm a widower along with you, my post is on here. My sincere condolences sir
Mirabel luv
17/10/2023 15:51:05
It not easy going through all these. I have known my husband for close 13 years and the thought of his demise and weighing me down.
27/10/2023 15:21:51
Here I am,a widow.A title I never wanted... I list my husband ,the love of my life ,three months ago. Even though he has been ill for a long time losing him affected me in an undescribable way . I still feel lost without him and can not find my way back to life,a new life. I have been surprised with comments from people close to me ...I did not understand why and how could they say certain things...I actually went on internet looking for suggestions about how to deal with "well meaning " people....I know people want to help and they do not know how .I feel like I distanced myself from most .I became close to a few that are widows themselves.There is only understanding,compassion and no judgement there. Most of the time I am by myself...I need time and space to process what happened and to find a new rhythm to my life . Thank you for your support through sharing .
17/11/2023 15:58:05
Thank you to the author for these insights into the challenges facing widows. One of the hurtful things that people do is to question how the partner died and worse to look for causes of his demise.. It does nothing to help the widow except revive awful memories that widows have to cope with. I time if she wants to talk about it, the best a friend can do is to be an attentive listener and show empathy. Also one has to accept that the lady's happiest memories will always be with her partner and we should accept that and not compete with him. Over time, and if circumstances allow, one can build new memories while accepting that we have a wonderful chance to help the lady heal and move forward, memories and all. Thank you
17/11/2023 17:09:18
I write this now as I suppose a lesson and an example of how things can turn on a penny for us and how when we give ourselves enough time and grieve and do the work and feel however we feel honestly as much as we are able to face at any given moment....that we can look back and see clearly what we have lived through, who we have lived for and the power of now living for relationship with my late partner/husband was anything but normal....We lived in isolation virtually for the last decade.....He came from a violent background...for a long time he lived a tortured life...he was a lot older than me....23 years.....I am 48 now...he had been sober 15/16 years before we got together, and we had been friends and became best friends....and he needed somebody who could do what I could do....he needed somebody who could love him in a non-abusive way, somebody who would not play games, somebody who was open and honest no matter how hard it was, somebody he could trust to know that acceptance and clear communication were the way forward for a different way...and so our relationship was very chaste....and that suited me with him....I had been betrayed sexually before by somebody I was in a longterm relationship with and I am the kind of person that is deeply loyal and loving, and gives freely and loves to see life grow and loves to learn from people..and so the pain of that betrayal lay me open for something on a different I knew he would never betray me but I did not know the cost of such chastity...he was intent on massive spiritual development....he knew I could get him there....I knew his wisdom and years of deep hard work on himself could be shared with me and that I could learn and heal within me what I needed to was a different relationship and the truest love that I thought I could experience just maybe not a usual love....but there was love, just minimum physical interaction.....and that was actually really hard because I am like a creature of nature, I sense things deeply and to not be touched just had to be dealt with....and so it went.....and I had become so used to that way of being the thought of ever being touched by anybody became alien to me......Now it is Not! .....Now I no longer hide my pretty underwear in my drawers in my I go buy them...and maybe someday, I will find kindness and passion from somebody who has no fear of a woman like me.....somebody who will understand I like being able to go where I want, when I want, somebody who does not fear my strength, somebody who knows I will respect them and them me, somebody who can see my vulnerabilities and cherish, value and guard me and I will do that for them too, somebody who will understand that I like dancing around the house and that I like walking up to the kitchen naked in the middle of the night if I need fact I don't just like all these things...I love them...maybe someday somebody will love that about me...and value that and I will value them and their ways and love them as they are, no change required, no big events necessary, no big moves, just them the way they are, just love, joy, compassion, embraces........ passion, fiery and soft whatever they will be..... and so it goes.....and 5 months and 1 day after his death I heard his voice as if he was standing next to me speaking out loud in a foreign language...."Aham Asmi Parabrahman" and only that I like the beautiful images of Hindus Gods and some of their songs was I able to recognise the language....and so he achieved what he needed to and the years and help I gave made a difference to another soul and that time is over now! And My Soul has begun to Bloom, and people who come near me feel the light and Life and so do I, and 2 weeks ago the words Nil Desperandum started to pop into my head...and I have not studied Latin since I was 16 so I looked it up - Do not Despair! .....and so I won't ....instead I will allow Life to bring me to the right people, my instincts are sharpened and honed.....I will trust that whatever comes...pain or suffering or joy and will be there and it will be mine and it will make me more...and maybe someday there will be love and courage from somebody who is Beautiful to me.........Do not Despair!
11/12/2023 00:36:10
6/12/2023 17:14:44
I lost my young beautiful fiance 3 weeks ago today. Sje was killed by a distracted driver on her way to work. She was 33. We were engaged for 9 weeks exactly to the day. Our engagement was the best night of my life and one of the best nights of hers. She has 2 kids from a previous marriage who call me dad and now on top of losing my young beautiful wife, I'm dealing with the situation of trying to get rights to them.
Milena Zupan
11/12/2023 16:02:15
After my husband passed I have been struggling -dealing with well meaning people,and one day suddenly I sat down and wrote this :
21/1/2024 20:30:22
I read all of the entries on this site, and completely related to each. My husband, best friend, soul mate, and forever love died four months ago after a four year period of illness, treatments, unbearable pain that meds did not ease, and yet he fought every day to stay alive, beat the disease, and enjoy life. Some days that gives me the courage to fight like he and we fought together. Other days I feel guilty for not being able to carry his flag forward, some days angry this disease happened to him and to us, some days I feel like I can't bear on without him, most days, all of those feelings and others. It does help to read that so many are in this leaky boat, bailing water when we can. But everyday, I feel this sorrow and pain is more than I can carry. But my heart keeps beating. I keep living. I guess to pass the days until we are reunited on the other side. The sooner the better is how I truly feel. It's unfathomable that will ever change. Despite feeling that way, reading that over time one adjusts is hopeful. I appreciate all the honesty and sharing. We are kindred spirits.
1/2/2024 18:28:24
Thank you so much for this post- and to everyone who has shared their experiences in the comments. Justin and I were happily married for four years. Our 18-month old and I buried my beloved last week. Reading this has helped me feel a little less isolated.
Linda Smith
1/2/2024 18:57:26
13/2/2024 23:13:46
Hello Kathy, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can identify with your situation as I was widowed after 6yrs of marriage and my 3 children were under 5yrs.
23/2/2024 01:38:15
The Widow's Handbook: winner of the Helen Bailey Award 2022
Ann Fuller
7/7/2024 10:19:50
and the ever popular "You'll be fine". Thank you for this blog. Lost my guy of 34 years of marriage on 6/20/24. Just starting to navigate this new world and your blog struck a chord.
Shazz Jamieson-Evans
6/10/2024 22:02:04
I was told "Divorce is worse than being widowed" a few weeks after my husband's funeral. Talk about timing!
24/11/2024 18:44:07
I lost my father, two of my brothers, then my mother, and after her I buried my 5 year old son, and two months ago I lost my wife to cancer, and all I hear people tell me is " You are so strong and so patient in coping with all of that". What they don't know is that I have been crying since day one, every day, and it will never stop until I meet them again".
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AuthorI was widowed at 50 when Tim, who I expected would be my happy-ever-after following a marriage break-up, died suddenly from heart failure linked to his type 2 diabetes. Though we'd known each other since our early 20s, we'd been married less than ten years. Archives
October 2024